- #Download microsoft toolkit 2.4.5 how to#
- #Download microsoft toolkit 2.4.5 manual#
- #Download microsoft toolkit 2.4.5 windows#
Changes to an MRTK app can be tested in the editor with the Leap hands without a headset. Using the Leap Motion Data Provider does not require a VR headset. If (eventData.Handedness = Handedness.Right) If (eventData.Handedness = Handedness.Left) Public void OnHandJointsUpdated(InputEventData> eventData) RightHandCube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube) Create a cube to follow the right hand palm position LeftHandSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere) Create a sphere to follow the left hand palm position Register the HandJointHandler as a global listenerĬ(this) Public class LeapHandJoints : MonoBehaviour, IMixedRealityHandJointHandler A sphere follows the left Leap hand while a cube follows the right Leap hand.
#Download microsoft toolkit 2.4.5 how to#
This script is a simple example of how to retrieve the pose of the palm joint in a Leap Motion Hand. With MRTK in a unity scene and the Leap Motion Data Provider added as an Input Data Provider in the Input System profile, create an empty game object and attach the following example script. Getting joints using the Leap Motion Data Provider is identical to hand joint retrieval for an MRTK Articulated Hand.
#Download microsoft toolkit 2.4.5 windows#

#Download microsoft toolkit 2.4.5 manual#
The Manual Head Offset mode allows for the modification of three properties: LeapVRDeviceOffsetY, LeapVRDeviceOffsetZ and LeapVRDeviceTiltX. If the offset mode is Default, then an offset will not be applied to the Leap Motion Controller. The LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode has three options: Default, Manual Head Offset and Transform. The Headset orientation offset properties mirror the offset properties in the LeapXRServiceProvider component. The default value is set to LeapControllerOrientation.Headset.Įach controller orientation contains offset properties: LeapControllerOrientation.Desk indicates the controller is placed flat on desk. LeapControllerOrientation.Headset indicates the controller is mounted on a headset. The Leap Motion Data Provider contains the LeapControllerOrientation property which is the location of the Leap Motion Controller. Select Clone to change the default Leap Motion settings.

Open the new data provider and set the Type to .Input > LeapMotionDeviceManager